Why you should avoid using household detergents on your outdoor gear.
When it comes to keeping your outdoor gear in top condition, it’s crucial to use the right cleaning products. Household detergents might be great for your everyday laundry, but they can spell disaster for your technical outdoor gear.
Damaging the Durable Water Repellent (DWR) Coating
Outdoor gear is often treated with a Durable Water Repellent (DWR) coating, which helps water bead up and roll off the fabric, keeping you dry in wet conditions. Household detergents contain harsh chemicals and strong surfactants designed to tackle tough stains and dirt. These chemicals can strip away the DWR coating, leaving your gear vulnerable to wetting out.
Clogging the Fabric’s Breathability
Technical fabrics are designed to be breathable, allowing sweat and moisture to escape while keeping rain and water out. Household detergents often leave behind residues that can clog the fabric's pores, this reduces breathability, causing the interior of your gear to feel clammy and uncomfortable.
Incorrect pH Balance
Outdoor gear requires cleaning products with a specific pH balance to maintain the integrity of the fabric. Household detergents may have a pH level that is too high or too low, which can damage the fabric and shorten the lifespan of your gear.
To keep your outdoor gear performing at its best, it’s important to use cleaners specifically designed for technical & natural fabrics. Our products are formulated to clean without damaging the DWR coating or stripping natural occurring properties found in down, wool & merino. Here’s how you can properly care for your gear:
Use a Gentle Cleaner: Choose a non-detergent cleaner specifically made for your outdoor gear. We have a range of different cleaners depending on the material of the garment you are cleaning. This will effectively remove dirt without harming the DWR coating or damaging natural fibres.
Re-Proof Your Gear: After cleaning, apply one of our PFC-free proofing treatment to restore water repellency. Our aftercare products are specially designed to maintain and enhance the performance of your gear.
Heat Activation: To maximize the effectiveness of the DWR treatment, follow the instructions on the product. This may involve tumble drying, ironing, or using a radiator to activate the DWR finish.
By using the right cleaning products and techniques, you can ensure your gear remains water-repellent, breathable, and ready for any adventure. Prepare for the elements, and let your gear take you wherever the journey leads.